Course description

Online Video Course Includes:

  • 6 Comprehensive and Confidence Building Video Lessons
  • Healer, Psychic Intuitive, Medium Course Journal
  • Explorative Journal Exercises to Practice and Develop Your Spiritual Gifts
  • Exclusive Guided Meditations

Never doubt your gut feelings or what you sense as knowing again! Learn to honor your truth and your calling to do important spirit or creative work. The world needs your light and you are here now to discover your gifts and use them in your time here on earth to realize your dreams and to help others realize theirs.

This comprehensive and engaging course includes James’s Healer, Psychic, Medium Course Journal so you can track your insights and progress as you work through each lesson. You’ll also have access to downloadable audio meditations created specifically for this online course you can use again and again to further develop and nurture your spiritual gifts...

$25.00 $25.00
This course is for you if:
  • You’ve ever experienced a deep knowing that you are called to heal others
  • You wish to develop and enhance your psychic intuitive skills to improve your own life or help others improve their lives
  • You can sense the energy in a room or see colors around people
  • You question why you are here and struggle finding a meaningful purpose
  • You want to honor your feelings and perceptions without doubting or dismissing what you feel or sense
  • You are a writer or artist but don’t feel confident in your abilities
  • You are a seeker – always learning and growing in all areas of life
  • You’ve always been curious about karma, near-death, out-of-body or past-life regressions
  • You want to access your spiritual power for a deeper connection with yourself and with others
  • You know that there is more to you and you are ready to explore your spiritual essence more deeply


James Van Praagh

Internationally renowned #1 New York Times bestselling author of Talking to Heaven, Reaching to Heaven, Healing Grief, Heaven and Earth, Looking Beyond, Meditations, Ghosts Among Us, Unfinished Business, Growing Up In Heaven, Adventures of the Soul, How to Heal a grieving Heart (co-authored with Doreen Virtue) and the soon to be released Power of Love; James Van Praagh is hailed throughout the world as a pioneer of the mediumship movement, and recognized as one of the most accurate spiritual mediums working today. His messages have brought solace, peace and spiritual insights, changing millions view of both life and death. He has received many awards for his dedication to raising the consciousness of the planet.

James has appeared on virtually every national radio and television show including OPRAH, LARRY KING LIVE, DR. PHIL, 48 HOURS, THE VIEW, JOY BEHAR SHOW, CHELASEA LATELY, COAST TO COAST and many more. He was the host of his own nationally syndicated show BEYOND, still seen in markets around the world. James has also been a successful producer for CBS, creating a mini-series LIVING WITH THE DEAD based on his life and THE DEAD WILL TELL staring Eva Longoria. He was the creator and executive producer of CBS’s long running series THE GHOST WHISPERER, starring Jennifer Love Hewitt.   

James recently launched The James Van Praagh School of Mystical Arts, a labor of love that has been years in the making. The online school offers a variety of learning experiences, from professional certifications to audio and video courses, with live calls and online forums.  For more information about The James Van Praagh School of Mystical Arts go to

He also shares insights and messages from the Spirit realm through his website and blog at and via social media.

Also Featured On:

"The mystery of life doesn’t seem so mysterious if you venture inward and listen to your soul’s voice."
-James Van Praagh

What You’ll Learn

Lesson 1 :
It’s Not What You Think—It’s What You Feel: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition

In this lesson, you’ll learn how to access your innate intuitive power. By practicing quieting the mind, you awaken to the voice of your soul. Using mesmerizing meditations and insightful journaling exercises, you’ll be guided through discerning your gut feelings from your thoughts so you can make more soul-centered decisions in your life.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Gain confidence in your perceptions
  • Differentiate between gut feeling and thought
  • Honor your truth
  • Nurture your unique spiritual gifts

Bonus downloadable audio meditations include:

  • Quieting the Mind
  • Listening to Your Inner Voice
  • Discovering Your Unique Spiritual Gifts
Lesson 2 :
Working with Your Guides

Learn all about the loving celestial beings that surround you each and every day; your spirit guides. In this lesson, James explains the various kinds of guides that exist and guides you step-by-step in connecting with your spirit guides.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Meet and feel your spirit guide with a mind-journey meditation
  • Use a powerful journal exercise to make you more aware of and learn how to work with your spirit guides
  • Discover special symbols from your spirit guides meant just for you

Bonus downloadable audio meditations include:

  • Connecting with Your Guide
  • The Meeting Room
  • Receiving Symbols from Your Guides
Lesson 3 :
Touching the Spirit World: All About Mediumship

In this fascinating lesson, you’ll discover everything you need to know about this special spiritual calling. You’ll also learn the important differences between psychics and mediums so you can determine which path is right for you. After this lesson, you’ll feel encouraged to step into your power as a communicator with those who have passed over – but who have never really left us.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Become aware of your own power
  • Open up to the spirit world
  • Transfix (become one with) with spirit
  • 4 techniques for linking with spirit
  • Ethics and responsibilities of mediumship
  • The Development Circle – next steps of mediumship

Bonus downloadable audio meditations include:

  • Becoming Aware of Your Own Power
  • Opening Up to the Spirit World
  • Transfixing with Spirit
Lesson 4 :
Bringing Balance with Healing

Gain valuable insights on the importance of healing as a spirit worker. James shares a powerful chakra meditation to clear old or foreign energies in your body that impede your light. You’ll assess your physical and emotional ailments and discover what they are here to teach you. At the close of this lesson, James will perform an incredible one-on-one energy-clearing demonstration with a live participant!

You’ll learn how to:

  • Clear old energies and transmute to love energy
  • Create health in 8 steps
  • Use affirmations and meditations for healing
  • Create total balance in the body and mind
  • Bring healing to others

Bonus downloadable audio meditations include:

  • Clearing Old Energies & Transmuting to Love
  • Healing (Forgiveness) Meditation
  • Learning What Your Body Has to Teach You
  • Bringing Healing to Others
Lesson 5 :
Your Soul’s Road of Many Lifetimes

Prepare for mind-blowing expansion! James explores riveting topics like karma, reincarnation, past lives, and soul groups. James will take you on a past-life regression where you explore three different lifetimes to see what your soul has learned throughout time and what patterns you may be repeating. You’ll also learn why life on Earth is a school and you are a student who has come to learn soul lessons that are specific to you.


  • Learn what the soul is
  • Discover what soul lessons you are here to learn
  • Explore past-life regression
  • Learn the gifts of your soul & your soul group

Bonus downloadable audio meditations include:

  • The Three Doors Past-Life Regression
Lesson 6 :
Living the Life of a Spirit Worker

In this final lesson, James revisits the three major disciplines in spirit work and helps you determine which discipline to pursue more in depth. You’ll be led through a powerful exercise to practice using your new abilities. You’ll also experience a special mirror meditation where you’ll assess your auric field – you’ll see how your soul expresses itself in colors and feelings. You are a welcomed spirit worker and your unique abilities are needed!

You’ll learn how to:

  • Assess your auric field
  • Determine the spirit work that most resonates with you
  • Practice your new skills and abilities
  • Remember who you really are
  • Connect with the light of your being

Bonus downloadable audio meditations include:

  • Assessing Your Auric Field
  • Practicing Your Abilities
  • Remembering Who You Are
Bonus :
Downloadable Meditations from the Course

“As you close your eyes in the physical human world,” James says, “you illuminate the inside world.” As a special bonus, James has included audio versions of the exclusive meditations he featured in the course. You can download these and practice them anytime, anywhere, to tap into your inner wisdom and connect with the spirit realm.

Bonus :
Adventures of the Soul Online Course

Adventures of the Soul Online Course

Bonus :
Spirit Worker: 4-Day Challenge

Spirit Worker: 4-Day Challenge

Bonus :
Psychic Tools for Energy Healing

Psychic Tools for Energy Healing

Bonus :
Four Exclusive Exercises

Four Exclusive Exercises

Bonus :
Dive Deeper into the Mystical Arts: A 4-Part Audio Package

Dive deeper with James into the fascinating field of the mystical arts! The following audio programs are recordings of webinars James conducted with students of this course—answering their questions and providing extra teachings. You’ll get to hear some of the common questions and issues that arise for people as they move through this journey and get deeper insight from James as he dives into the life of a spirit worker.

Bonus :
Live Webinars
Features In Course Webinar

These in-course webinars allow you a special opportunity to gain insight about your mediumship or soul connection and learn from others in the community. This webinar will help you get an in-depth understanding on the exercises, tools and techniques in this course.

This course is for you if:
  • You’ve ever experienced a deep knowing that you are called to heal others
  • You wish to develop and enhance your psychic intuitive skills to improve your own life or help others improve their lives
  • You can sense the energy in a room or see colors around people
  • You question why you are here and struggle finding a meaningful purpose
  • You want to honor your feelings and perceptions without doubting or dismissing what you feel or sense
  • You are a writer or artist but don’t feel confident in your abilities
  • You are a seeker – always learning and growing in all areas of life
  • You’ve always been curious about karma, near-death, out-of-body or past-life regressions
  • You want to access your spiritual power for a deeper connection with yourself and with others
  • You know that there is more to you and you are ready to explore your spiritual essence more deeply
free exclusive bonus gifts included
Pre-recorded Webinar with James Van Praagh

A special opportunity to gain insight about your mediumship or soul connection and learn from others in the community. This webinar will help you get an in-depth understanding on the exercises, tools and techniques in this course.

3 Special Exercises (Healing, Psychic/Intuitive, Mediumship)


Are you someone who is constantly empathizing with the emotions of other people? Can you sense if their energy is depleted or abundant? As a healer one is able to “attune” to the free flowing Universal energy moving through a person and be able to “pick-up” or sense where there are energy blocks. The healer is able to release energy blockages and let the energy flow freely. With James as your guide, you will learn to sense and release blocked energy to balance, heal and rejuvenate yourself and others.  


Have you ever been able to know when certain events will occur in the future or know something about a person that is not obvious in seeing them physically? The voice of the soul is “intuition.” Intuition is your natural ability. When you sit in the stillness of your being, this voice will come to the surface and you can use it to make the correct choices for your soul. Spend a few minutes with James in an empowering exercise that will help you tap into the soul-wisdom inside of you.


When you're able to recognize an energy of a deceased loved one standing by someone or feeling a spirit in a particular space? One’s mediumship quality of perception and reception increases as one takes the time to sit in the stillness of their being and connects with their own soul’s power. When a medium develops slowly and becomes mindful of how to utilize their soul’s energy, delving through dimensions and various realms of the spiritual world. With James as your guide, you’ll learn to "sit in the power" to open up to your mediumship.

The Adventures of the Soul Audio Workshop

This unique and one-of-a-kind workshop will expand your awareness and bring you in direct connection to your soul and its divine make-up. Alongside the course, this workshop will help you hone in on the energy around and strengthen your body-soul connection. In this spirit guided experiential workshop, participants will:

  • Learn how to receive spiritual messages and signs from your loved ones in the Spirit world.   
  • Use visualizations and sacred meditations to bring your soul to a state of receptivity  
  • Discover whose “energy” you have been carrying around with you. 
  • Connect and set up an ongoing working relationship with your spirit guides  
  • Explore various levels of awareness, including “blending” with the Spirit world
  • Witness James bring forth evidential messages from your guides and soul group
  • Transform your life from fear into love and well-being. 
The 3 Doors Past-Life Regression Exercise

Join James Van Praagh on a journey through three of your past lives, and discover how they are connected to your current life. 

16 Exclusive Guided Meditations

“As you close your eyes in the physical human world,” James says, “you illuminate the inside world.” As a special bonus, James has included audio versions of the exclusive meditations he featured in the course. You can download these and practice them anytime, anywhere, to tap into your inner wisdom and connect with the spirit realm.

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What Students are Saying about this course


I thought this would be more focused on psychic work, but like the other reviewer said, it is just fluff and terrible video quality. And if you stop, you have to go all the way through again to find where you were at. I wouldn't buy this one again, no.


I've done almost the whole course and am unclear as to what I'm supposed to have learned (that he claims to be a psychic? Is that it?) Van Praagh's scripting is full of filler words and there's almost no substance to what he says. The course itself doesn't work very well. To "resume" course means having to remember where I'm up to (almost impossible given the uniform dross of the course content). The "regression" video was by far the worst as it kept freezing, so I had no idea if I was wearing a period costume or bear skins or any of the other many garments Van Praagh described during the video. Ugh. Such a waste of time and money. I want it all back.


learned so much from you. thx: Joseph

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